It's midway through exam week for me so I've been doing lots of studying lately. I thought I'd take a break to share some of the strategies and tips I use when I study for tests, quizzes, exams and basically anything! These really work for me and will hopefully help you guys out too ♥

This is the very first thing I do when I get down to studying. It's super important cause whenever I decide to keep my phone, tablet, or book on my desk, or leave my bedroom door open, or sometimes even leave the blinds open, I get SUPER distracted. Since studying isn't the most exciting thing you could be doing, every little thing besides my work becomes much more interesting, so it's best to just get rid of anything that could distract you before you get started.
It really helps me to study if I'm in a good environment. I'm not sure if that makes sense so I'll try to explain ;) If my room is clean then my mind feels a lot more clear and it really helps me to be more productive while studying. It also helps me to have my bedroom door closed to drown out the sound of my dad doing the dishes or my mom and sister talking or whatever else they might be doing. I absolutely love studying outside when it's nice out. That's something I haven't heard of many people doing but it's seriously such a perfect place! Very peaceful and I think I'm the most productive when I'm studying outside. Not in the winter though....wait for spring or summer ;)
Set yourself up with a good supply of snacks before you get started studying. It's not very effective to try learning when all you can think about is how hungry or thirsty you are! So grab some tea and cookies and you're good to go :)
Some people find music more distracting than helpful while studying, but it helps me for sure. I like to choose a playlist on 8tracks (one of my favourites or sometimes even a playlist that's meant especially for studying). If music usually distracts you then maybe try some music without any words (instrumental). It really helps me cause it drowns out all other distracting sounds and music just calms me down and makes me happy :)
This might be my absolute favourite way to study. I just rewrite my notes onto index cards in the form of questions and it really helps me when I'm trying to memorize information. I use the regular paper cards that you can buy at Target or Walmart or the dollar store or pretty much anywhere and I also have an app on my phone. It's just called "Flashcards" and it's great cause you can make sooo many cards without having to worry about losing them or having to carry piles of them around. It's super useful and also free!
It's so much less stressful to get started with studying as far in advance as you can. I like to read over the notes I took that day at least once when I get home. The more ahead you are the more prepared you will feel and if you've read over your notes a few times, the information will start to stick in your mind already!
I love to hi-light and color code my notes and also make little doodles to keep myself interested while I'm studying. It just makes studying a little less boring (for me at least) if the notes don't look all plain and blah ;) But don't over do it! If you draw or hi-light your work too much it can be hard to read the information and can be distracting for your eyes.
Get a friend, a sibling, a tutor, or a parent (or anyone you choose) too test you once you think you know your stuff. Hand over your index cards or notes and get them to ask you questions. You could even write out a list of questions for them to ask you! This will let you know whether or not you're ready for that test/quiz/exam :)
Try not to study biology for 3 hours at once. Mixing it up between subjects will keep you from getting too bored :) Spend a set amount of time on each subject and then you can rotate through a few times. But spending too long studying the same information can get tedious and is no fun at all.
Studying is hard work! Give yourself breaks often ;) Plan to study for 20 minutes, then have a 5-10 minute break and start studying again. Giving yourself time to rest and do something enjoyable will make for a much more productive study session! Also, treat yourself! Promise yourself a brownie after an hour of studying or some other goal to motivate you to get your studying done :) It works for me!
I hope these tips were helpful and that this post wasn't too long ;) I should honestly get back to studying for my socials exam that's tomorrow....so bye for now!
Wonderful tips, Maiya! I am homeschooled, so I don't do exams mid-school year (just your average math and science tests each week), but these are great tips!! I'm glad I'm not the only one who doodles in her school book. ;)
Thanks so much! I'm so glad they helped ;) Hehe nope, you're not alone!!! ♥
This was so helpful! love it ♡
Yayy!!! I'm so glad :) ♥♥♥
Lovely tips!
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing!
Thanks! No problem ;) happy to help!
I love these!! I feel like I study all. the. time. and maybe these tips will help me study better. Study smarter, not harder, right? :)
Haha ME TOO!!! So true ;) I hope these help you! <3
This is a very helpful post, thanks for this list! :)
ReplyDeleteHannie | CHAPTERS LIKE THIS
Thanks so much for posting these tips! You are so right, putting away distractions is a super important idea. I'll get so distracted looking on social media. And thanks for the tip about getting ahead...sometimes it can be hard to do, but very helpful in the long run!
ReplyDeleteLove your blog!
-Lauren <3
I love your tips, girl! I need to listen to music when I do research and blogging. Thanks for sharing!
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- June
I tagged you on my blog! http://thebubblegumballerina.blogspot.com/2015/02/tag.html
ReplyDeleteNice post Maiya! :) I did a post like this too before.
ReplyDeleteKeep in touch,
This is soooooooo helpful! Thanks!
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